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Angie Loves Dogs Amsterdam, de individuele hondenuitlaatservice en hondenoppas in Amsterdam en omgeving. Daarnaast honden taxi services, hondenfotografie, art prints van uw hond of familie en honden services tijdens de bruiloft, huwelijk, trouwerij.

I love photographing dogs, YOUR dog(s) in their own environment!


Since 2006 I work as a professional photographer.

You can hire me for business portraits, personal branding shoots, interior photography and event photography, wedding photography and family portraits.


From Queen Maxima to Tom & his dog MadMax, a homeless man from Brick Lane, London interviewed for Hondsdol & Co or portraying 400 employees of the ING Bank.


I love the varity of my profession!


I am a co-owner at Hondsdol & Co and photographing dogs for many years now.

I love to create the perfect photo that shows the character of the dog and turn them into a lovely art piece.


I can help dog businesses with branding photos too.


Contact me if you are interested!


Angie Loves Dogs Amsterdam, de individuele hondenuitlaatservice en hondenoppas in Amsterdam en omgeving. Daarnaast honden taxi services, hondenfotografie, art prints van uw hond of familie en honden services tijdens de bruiloft, huwelijk, trouwerij.


When you are a business owner it's important to show the world who you are, what you do, what makes you unique. Photography is a great marketing tool and I can help you with that!


Contact me when you are ready to refreshen your photographs on your website!


Below a portrait photo of Ulrike Meder from Dogrelate with her dogs Hope and Malibu.

Angie Loves Dogs Amsterdam, de individuele hondenuitlaatservice en hondenoppas in Amsterdam en omgeving. Daarnaast honden taxi services, hondenfotografie, art prints van uw hond of familie en honden services tijdens de bruiloft, huwelijk, trouwerij.
Contact Me
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