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Angie Loves Dogs Amsterdam, de individuele hondenuitlaatservice en hondenoppas in Amsterdam en omgeving. Daarnaast honden taxi services, hondenfotografie, art prints van uw hond of familie en honden services tijdens de bruiloft, huwelijk, trouwerij.

When you have a dog you know it's common you chat with other dog owners when you are walking your dog!


People share a lot about their life with their furry friend.

My friend Ilse noticed this when she just had her dog Neo. 

Ilse asked me to join her in a 'Hondsdol' ;) adventure and since 2016 we post short stories about dogs and their lives with their owners. Interesting, funny, positive stories, because every dog has a story to tell! Mostly in the Netherlands but also abroad.


Hondsdol has brought us a lot. We won a trip to Cape Verdi to work as travel reporters for Ztalks. The last two years I have been organising photography trips to Greece thanks to the interview with Sacha.

We are also asked to be present at dog events to interview participants.


Would you like to work with us or participate in an interview, check our website:!


Hondsdol & Co; interessante, ontroerende, grappige verhalen over het leven van hond en baas. Gemaakt door Anja Daleman en Ilse Lindeijer.
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