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UPDATE JUNE 2023: So sorry to inform you that the taxi service is
NOT AVAILABLE at the moment due to circumstances.



UPDATE JUNE 2023: So sorry to inform you that the taxi service is NOT AVAILABLE at the moment due to circumstances.

Does your dog need to go to the vet, grooming appointment or another destination and you don't have time to go? I offer a reliable and safe transportation for your dog(s).


  • € 20,00 flat rate for the first 5 km

  • € 1,00 per km after the first 5 km.

  • Waiting charge at pick-up and destination location prorated at € 35/hr.


Angie Loves Dogs Amsterdam, de individuele hondenuitlaatservice en hondenoppas in Amsterdam en omgeving. Daarnaast honden taxi services, hondenfotografie, art prints van uw hond of familie en honden services tijdens de bruiloft, huwelijk, trouwerij.
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